Add to bottom of Member Commenting System plugin
PHP Code:
The "5" of course is the default amount of comments to be shown. If you haven't already changed the amount of comments shown, you don't need to worry about changing this.
Add the
red to MEMBERINFO template:
<td valign="top" class="alt1">
Viewing $comment_shown of $comment_total Comments
<table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center" class="tborder">
If eXtremeTim finds this code suitable, he's free to copy it into a future update.
Edit: I'm not worried about it, but this will show up as "1 of 1 Comments" which may bother some, since it should say "Comment". If this bothers you, it's very easy to fix.

@ eXtremeTim:
I fixed my "View All Comments" problem. For whatever reason I had to add
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
to the plugin that was at "misc_start". I think I have a modified misc.php file, so that may be the problem?