I encountered a problem, don't know if it's since the last java update but it could be. I don't know for sure when it started.
When trying to upload a file, the file -will- be uploaded but a java error appears too.
I tried to translate the java error in English, because my browser is in Dutch and the error notice is displayed in Dutch too.
This is what it says:
Line: 284
Sign: 7
Error: 'length' is empty or no object
Code: 0
URL: http://www.myforums.org/board/downloads.php?do=add&cat=
I put "sign" als the Dutch word for "teken" and I changed the name of my forum in the url but rest is like it should be.
Some uploaders of my forum think they have a problem and won't upload anymore because it also says at a certain moment "ready, but with errors" in the statusbar next to the java error, while upload is still busy and if ready, the upload is 100% correct as far as I can see.
So just a java error is generated (IE6 fully updated).
How can this be fixed?
I run Vbulletin 3.6.5 with VBA cmps, and the VBA CMPS downloads addon.