Originally Posted by ElfMage
Hi djbaxter, you may know about this more than I do...
I have read many articles and debates about Pagerank leak. Some say it doesn't exist, others swear by it.
It is a documented fact that incoming links will boost your pagerank. The reverse, pagerank leak due to outbound links, has been speculated ad nauseam, and no proof has been established on either side.
Actually, there's an abundance of evidence that it's a myth and no evidence whatsoever that it exists. The value of any one of your outgoing links is a function of the PageRank of that page divided by the number of outgoing links. That means that the more outgpoing links you have, the less PR value each of the recipients gets from their single link.
But the original page containing all those outgoing links loses nothing. It will still retain the same PageRank it always had. PageRank is a measure of INCOMING links - links pointing to that page - NOT outgoing links.