Originally Posted by akulion
I also got the template edit errors
PHP Code:
The following error occurred when attempting to evaluate this template:
Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /includes/adminfunctions_template.php(3596) : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /includes/adminfunctions_template.php(3596) : eval()'d code on line 14
This is likely caused by a malformed conditional statement. It is highly recommended that you fix this error before continuing, but you may continue as-is if you wish.
but it still seems to work...so ill just say "if it works dont touch it lol
Did you perform the template edits manually, or were they automatic? If they were manual, did you perform them BEFORE you imported the product or after? Are you using 3.6.5?
I'd like to try and track this down, since I can't seem to replicate it and this is the third report. It seems to be scattered, some people get an errors -- other's don't. There has to be a common link somewhere..