Ok well am not sure if this is even in the right place but here goes and sorry if it isn't
I bought a vbulletin lisance again and opened a site called VBauction aka vbulletinauction.com
Now I hope this doesnt offend anyone especiall from vbulletin it was just I seen a few sites like vbulletingames.com etc and couldnt think of any other name all I knew was I wanted an auctioning website where people could buy sell trade items and also buy sell offer request and advertise there services and also a community to discuss web hosting, scripting and coding issues,
With the help of vbclassafieds I was able to do this I have placed on our sites disclaimer that we have no direct affiliation with jalesoft the creators of vbulletin.
Now just wondering is this ok to have the name as it is with the disclaimer there and what do people think of the idea of the site??