Originally Posted by Capper5016
Its actually very easy to do....I'm doing it.....Just set the hack to exclude the news forums and they will not show up in the latest posts.
Excellent! I never thought of that. Thanks a lot.
I'm having a serious problem with templates. I have a light and dark template for my site.....everything works okay in the dark template, but for some reason I can't fix, the table heas (Thread, Date, Time, Forum, etc) are the same color as the background....any ideas?
http://hardwearelogic.com (look at the stats box using both the light template and dark template to see what I mean
I'm also having similar problems (i think) possibly something to do with the styles (CSS). Whenever I hover the cursor over the Top Stats heading in IE7, everything below it becomes underlined with the same style I have given my links. It happens in Safari on a Mac as well, but nearly as bad. Firefox and Opera display it perfectly. I can't figure out why so I've disabled the mod for the time being unfortunately.