Originally Posted by MicroHellas
Well let's try to clarify something. 99% of your product is enought to set just the price and let discount price empty. Discount price works only if this product is special offer in conjuction with another one.
If I leave the discount price empty, it sets the price to $0.00, no matter what I put in the "price".
I'm not sure what you mean by the discount price only working for special offers.
Originally Posted by MicroHellas
As for the template's problem, have you tried to modify it? If yes, then check for any unclosing cell, row or table. If not, then give a link to see it.
I have not made any modifications to the vbDigishop template. All I did was install it, and quickly add two test products. The only page that is wonky is the [details] product view page. All others seem to be fine.
Here is my link: