Originally Posted by YabbaDabba
2 - Still some odd behavior for those with no IMG permissions.
A - they can't see any images in any posts by any poster. I think this is too much. I would allow them to see images added to a thread by those posters with image permissions. Those wiith no IMG permissions just can't add images themselves.
This is indeed odd behavior. Are you positive this is only happening with the IMG tag? I didn't modify the way in which any permissions were determined, just the spelling errors from before.
Originally Posted by YabbaDabba
B - Inconsistent treatment between WYSIWYG and Preview. This is very, very close, but...
The IMG tag is not parsed at all in the WYSIWYG editor and is parsed in the Preview (as a url tag). I suppose there are arguments for doing it that way, but it seems more consistent to have the WYSIWYG editor parse the IMG tags as a URL, just like Preview.
Not exactly sure why there are differences here. It may have something to do with the overall problems with the IMG tag you seem to be having.
Originally Posted by YabbaDabba
If the IMG tag set is sandwiched between a URL tag set, Preview still displays it as a hot link to the image. But the WYSIWYG editor seems to parse just the URL tag. That is, the editor displays the image url inside unparsed IMG tags, but hot linked to the url inside the url tag. After being submitted, the URL/IMG combo is displayed as an image url hotlinked to the image. The URL tag is ignored completely.
This is not an issue related to this mod. I have read elsewhere that vBulletin has this strange behavior when combining URL and IMG tags, because vBulletin automatically converts unparsed IMGs to URLs (this was not functionality I added). I have also read about strange behavior when using [noparse] and [font]. These are what we may consider bugs but more often than not Jelsoft claims is "Working as Designed."
Originally Posted by YabbaDabba
As is, this current scheme doesn't really solve the porn spammer problem. Anybody with IMG tag permissions ON can see the images. I'd have to deny access to IMG tags for practically all members and guests to stop the spammers and this doesn't make sense to me. Also, even if you can successfully hide the images from members with "tag permissions = ON", there is the situation where a problem member successfully sprinkles his posts with inappropriate images. The images will appear as images once they get promoted to a group with greater image permissions.
Wouldn't it be more sensible to just force the IMG tags to be URL tags forever?
What you are describing is the inverse of what this mod was designed to do. I spent many hours getting around this before the original release, so again I really hope this is only occurring with IMG tags.