I had a problem, since my skin's navbar didn't have the vbmenu_control text I was asked to search for. I'll tweak it later. Thanks for the mod.
Originally Posted by Skateboard
I do not know how to set what user groups can upload. Can you help me?
Originally Posted by KevNJ
@Skateboard -
you your admincp > usergroups > usergroup manager > pick which usergroup you want to edit and edit the permissions for the vb image hosting options for each usergroup
You'll have to scroll all the way down to get to the vBimgHost options.
Originally Posted by sublo
OK. I found the AdminCP problem. I neglected to copy one includes/xml .php file. That's resolved. It now shows up on the left hand pane. Thanks for the help.
Originally Posted by sublo
I had missed 1 xml file cpnav_ao_vbimghost.xml > forums/include/xml. That was it!
I don't understand why people don't upload the entire contents of the
/forum folder into their forums root as the instructions state. ( or It would solve a lot of these "I forgot to upload 1 xml" or "I missed a file" because all the files are already in the directory structure they need to be in.
If you find that your FTP program fails a lot with entire folder uploads, consider FileZilla, or use your host's webFTP program.