You probly wont get any good or accurate reviews because 99% of us dont know dutch im guessing, but you put the effort into it and even gave us a test account to use which i think deserves something, so i will let you know what i think about the look at feel!
I cant read it, but it seems you have 2 guest messages maby? One below navbar and one above???
I think its really bad that you put the shoutbox at the bottom, it should be right under the navbar where people can see it and use it!
I feel your wide (fluid) version of your style would look better if you set the main table width to 90% or something close!

Then it would look better then the fixed, however i am not much of a fixed fan to be honest so dont let it get to you
In navbar you have this,
Edit: Something screwed up and the rest of the post didnt show, but in short...
In navbar not all of it is Dutch, most is English, shouldnt it be Dutch?
I like the way you set your avatars long but not high so it wont ruin the style!
Is that a custom style? It looks nice and simple yet still "gamer"
Regards, Jay!