Originally Posted by haynesforum
I used the plugin manager to install NoSPam! and the following NoSPam! plug-ins were (and still are) activated:
Cache the NoSpam! template; cache_templates.
Check if NoSpam! question has been answered correctly; newpost_process; register_addmember_process; search_process_start; sendmessage_docontactus_process.
Generate and insert NoSpam! question; global_start.
Are any other plugins working? Do you have a line that says define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true); or something similar in your config.php file?
You may need to make a template edit to the style, depending on whether the style has changed the strings that the hack searches for in the templates to include the NoSpam! template. Just test it on the style, and if it doesn't work, make the template edit described in the troubleshooting.txt file.