thing is..when i installed it..i guess i got a daily email or something. I never sent off any emails.
This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be.
Emails sent to:caramel andreadenise babygrrl477 Loved1 ms.monalisa LadyJ TragBoogie sexy lil mama MzNilla KILLJOY27 Awww Hell GLO Supaprodusa Ashanti#1fan Edify47 Dimples LalaExperience Nilla kilaloc fashion_75 dredai JazzyJas2005 SweetnLuscious Lilmama84 Adreamsmom FAITHFUL-TRUELOVER SincrOne GoodOne Im2fucCinFly nvisdngerus Much2Much41 Ajax6973 NYAmicas O GIRL JusKolMeAl rde2run Blackspeare treytreyy homeless CoverGurl MistahLong boobie000 silvercadi terxav Shiznit Webber ruchirbhatnagar Lovely_E4U hemicuda82 Bishop501 mrbee80 lethel bond666 wrightfellow tre2375 rudeboy11 aparker kingjordon kingjordon1 nina myrna2381 fleetwood73 SoCalmSoCool mybeautifule devante_cream pipo21 cats2003meow Trillseeker247 tightpussy lingnaldo calandra04 woodstick1 daddyfatsacks7 ovadose tlcfan pimpdown rod240866 theOne Slpingbuty Msnikki OmniSlash2o6 dZihan TNasty deonc1972 puddin_4_ya mrwrite88 xavier72984 Gorgeous1 eddie SirDukeOf++++ eltherio gialoukis WCCD . We tried to email the followin!
g users, but their email address was invalid:
i got this email...alot have been back recently and had no bounced emails.