Originally Posted by suttercain
The problem you may be having is when you go into vBulletin options-> Cookies and Setting your site may be (blank) you should have a drop down that allows you to select yourdomain.com. Once I changed that it worked. That is the only thing I did different. The table code I posted above is the same... well here is the entire code:
Thank you! That solved my issue.
Originally Posted by suttercain
When you click logout... it takes you to vBulletin's logout page and says all cookies have been cleared... NOT TRUE!
If you go back to the same page that you tried logging out from you can see that it is still logged in!
Unless you manually go into IE and clear all your cookies and RESET your history... you will still be logged in.
I did not have this issue in IE.
I clicked "Return to the page you were previously viewing", and I was logged out. I also tried it just typing in the URL after logging out; I was still logged out properly.
But I don't use IE, so I don't know how to check the cookies to make sure the one from my site was removed or not.
But it appears to be logging me out properly.