If you are using the most recent code above, this is only possible if the BB-code still exists in the tag list. The BB-Code permissions hack removes forbidden BB-codes from the list. If you are having issues on the misc.php?do=bbcode page after making my edit, then most likely these users will be able to post this parsed bb-code as well.
First test with other BB-codes to make sure it is an issue only with your iframe code.
Make sure your Registered Users definitely have this tag turned off. Make sure the user you are testing isn't a member of any groups that are allowed to use the tag.
Make sure you have under 32 BB-codes in the permissions list, since I believe strange behavior may occur beyond this number.
Make sure you only have one instance of the BB-code in the BB-code Manager. If you have a version that uses an option and one that doesn't, you can run into problems.