Originally Posted by ThorstenA
How can I exclude my own domain from rel=nofollow?
I am trying this out. Looking at it, if someone has more than 50 posts or is a mod, super-mod or admin the tag is not applied. That said, unless one has a very small forum, it shouldn't be attaching the tag to many internal url's. I see this as useful to keep the hit and run people at bay, so to speak. Actually, My installing it is more of an attempt to better SEO the forums to keep me high in the ratings.
On the other hand I have a very active moderator group so 'spam' posts are usually caught quickly and the links removed or the post (or posts) are deleted and the poster banned (I use Spam Decimator for 2 click convenience - the moderators love it) usually within minutes (there's almost always a mod or me on 24/7).
Well, now I'm off to check some page source to see if it's working as intended or not.
BTW - Running vB 3.5.6