Originally Posted by adwade
Having installed Cyb - Prevent Newbies from Posting to Wrong Forum at one time, I just happened to remember it has a feature wherein the new user MUST click on a CONTINUE button before thier new post is processed.
Since Cybernetec allows one to customize the phrases used for that MOD I was able to put a NOTICE in there to New Users that they are not able to have LINKS in their posts right off the bat. Not perfect, but it'll work and serve my needs to insure a new user is aware of the fact.
We need that in this mod....
I had a member pm me to ask about updating his email address because he forgot his password and since his email had changed he could not get a new password. So, he repeatedly tried to send me his new email address in the pm, but because his post count wasn't sufficient, I kept getting the no spam message. I was like WTF?
The bottom line is he's a legit member, not a spammer. But because of the way I have this setup, he couldn't give me his new email, he had to register a new account.