Originally Posted by Chachacha
Well this modification sounded good until I installed it and realized that it puts a link to the modder's website in the footer. I really don't like that ...so I disabled the product.
Originally Posted by Chachacha
I don't see where RDX1 was rude. YOU seem to be the rude one.... You need to check your attitude at the door.
Another one who can't read or who is too lazy to read... and this one has the audacity to suggest that some else has an attitude problem...
Don't like the add-on? Don't install it. Nobody here will mourn your loss.
Don't like the footer link? The add-on contains an option to delete it... but of course you don't read instructions so you missed that...
Let me be blunt here: Sometimes the explosion of lazy "gimme gimme and don't expect anything in return" morons on this planet over the past couple of decades fills me with despair for the future of our species.