Originally Posted by abramelin
there must be max file size permission and upload file limit otherwise users can upload lots of pictures with big sizes
Originally Posted by Inferno Dragon
nice mod indeed..but what about the amount/limit of images a member can upload?
Originally Posted by globalinsites
we should be able to set the max allowed file size, this is currently not possible is it?
I agree that there should be a way to set max filesize, and dimensions.
Originally Posted by abramelin
i think the author does not support this mod
It says specifically that the author does NOT, so we'll have to figure this out ourselves.
Originally Posted by bada_bing
This would be nice if it had usergroup permissions.
There is one way... In the read me provided with this mod it says
Permissions are controlled by canmodifyprofile, canprofilepic, and canadminusers
So, if you don't want specific user groups to be able to use this, just set that user group "canprofilepic" to "NO". Personally, I indend to only allow this for my subscribers user group, and staff. I also have a seperate usergroup setup on my forums for users "on probation" that I have set "canmodifyprofile" to "NO". This will keep users on probation from uploading any pictures.
The only thing that I don't like about this mod, is the fact that staff can't monitor all 20k users' uploads, so we'll have to rely on members pointing out unacceptable pics to us. There should be a way to moderate, alert staff when a user uploads new pics. I donno how to set it up, if anyone has any ideas, i'll try to figure out how to do it.
Optionally, i'd like to see a way for users to setup folders on their profile galleries. This will not only make pages load faster and prevent them from becoming tooo large, but will also look much nicer. Like if a user wanted to upload pics from an event they went to, they wouldn't want them mixed in with pictures from an old event, or pictures of their dog (for example). Allowing them to create folders would solve this problem.