Originally Posted by Damien001
The new version is amazing thankyou.
Thank you.
Originally Posted by Damien001
Just one thought (not too worried about it) but would be intresrtead in you view and view of other peoples.
Current user, is it worth checking to see if current user and using proxies. Maybe only doing it once or maybe one a wekk or something.
What do people think
Personally I think once they're registered it doesn't matter ... I originally wrote this hack to deal with trolls more than with spammers, the fact that it blocks spammers is a bonus as far as I'm concerned. We've been lucky - at 1500 members we have only had 1 troll. I've been on other boards where the same trolls keep re-registering after getting banned, in 99% of cases they're using a proxy to get around the IP ban.
This kills alot of their options...
The next thing I'm going to do is look at updating the "known proxies" list... not with the IPs from those open proxy sites - most of those IPs get on the RBLs pretty quick - but with sites that are specific for anon-web surfing. They don't tend to get on RBLs as much...