Originally Posted by Ranma2k
the usergroups Not the forum permission ...
go to usergroup -> user group permission
OK. I'm trying my best not to be a pest. I've read through every post in this thread and have searched this forum extensively to find the answer. My only conclusion is that I must have screwed something up on the installation. I went through it again and verified every file was properly copied - they are. I found this in this thread (which is my problem):
admincp/vbimagehost...on the left, make sure its on & set your settings, also..
admincp/usergroup/usergroupmanager....Go through each usergroup, scroll down, you will see, vbimagehost, set settings on each usergroup...
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So, I am clearly missing something when I go to
Usergroup > Usergroup Manager > Edit (I don't have a "
Usergroup >Usergroup Permission" field anywhere in site). When I click "Edit", attached is what I
do have. Have I messed something up on installation?