Originally Posted by harmor19
How "Enter comma-seperated User ID's that can add/edit news" works is you put the ID of the user into the box that you want to have permission to edit the news/announcement on every page.
So on your site you're user ID should be "1" and let's say you have another admin and their user ID is "5" and you want both you and the other admin to edit the announcements. In the text box you would type 1,5.
How "Moderators can add/edit news in the forum(s) they moderate." works is that you're moderators can edit the news ONLY in the forums they moderate.
If you have enabled "Global Message" it will over-ride the moderators' permission to edit the announcement.
When "Global Messages" are enabled the only people who can change the announement are the user's of the user IDs that you typed in the text box.
I will try to improve upon this hack and add more features so it isn't as limited.
ok my mistake was using user name instead of user number, but i still cant click on the field to input any message.
Just to clarify i should be able to just click on "Click on this sentence to change this message. " in the forum and type my message. and not in the admin c/p panel correct?
PS i can give you access to my admin C/P if you would like to check it out