Originally Posted by voter
Previously it was saying "Posts" now there is nothing. May be for Top Posters one can understand, that the number means amount of Posts, but what if I who the statistic of Hot Topics, what the number now means? Amount of Replies in that topic or number of Views?
Removed to save space vertically.
Mouse-over anything in the Stats table and it will tell you what you are looking at.
Originally Posted by voter
By the way Cybernetec, your hack provides 11 different statistics, what if one want to show them all?
I see no reason to enable them all.
Some forums have disabled Reputation and of course they will never need stats for it.
Some forums has no MySQL 4.0.4 and they can't use Top Thread Starters.
Some forums has no "Post Thanks" hack and they will never enable stats for it.
Some forums has no "News" forum and they will never enable this column.
Some admins simply wan't to show all statistics.
Some admins will never enable all stats because it means 11 new queries.
And no one asked for help to enable all stats which means that probably no one need it all.