Originally Posted by CompuForums.org
Site Name: CompuForums - Computer Forums
URL: http://www.compuforums.org/
Description: CompuForums is a free computer help and discussion community. Get FREE help and advice, or just chat about technology with over 900 members. Open to everyone, no matter what your skill level!
Reason for Nomination: After nearly 2 years of working hard on the site, I just want a little bit of recognition. The skin is unique and unlike other computer forums we don't shoo away and insult new members and people who are not so experienced with computers. We've saved a lot of people loads of time and money which they would have spent on "professional" services - but with CompuForums they have been able to do it themselves and gain more confidence in computing. I'm very proud of my forum and it's success, and winning the award would be the icing on the cake for me 
Seconded, Fantastic forum. I am an active member, alot better than the others i have been to.