Originally Posted by milsirhc
Sweeet my 2 cents were worth a million! yayyy!!
One more request: Is it possible to integrate the minimum word counts with your points?
Min wordcount plugin: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=144474
This allows the user that put in say... 10 words or more to be awarded points.. which is fair.. as it gives reward them for their effort in posting!
Great idea!
Originally Posted by nexialys
i will add a log/tracker for any action needed... based on adminCP settings, we can track about any action, and better, these actions can bring profits:
for each amount placed in the bank(later use), you will have benefits applied for each amounts, not for the total... exactly like in real-life banks.
Sounds fantastic, I am sure you will be nomtinated for mod of the month at this rate!

Originally Posted by nexialys
yeah, i thought of that... i may add this later... actually i documented about this, and i just have to edit the main query to make it safe for all servers... i just forgot to do so.. lol
Hope it comes soon...I need it for my 6000+ users