Originally Posted by milsirhc
Also it would be great if there's a tracking of user's point history in their userCP or something. (ie: donation given.. points deducted..) this is useful so there will be no dispute among users and admins..
just my 2 cents of suggestions!
no no, this is not 2cents... it is more like the question of 1 million $$$... lol
that's why i added hooks everywhere in the system... in no long (when i have time to work on it, and some budget to develop more tools) i will add a log/tracker for any action needed... based on adminCP settings, we can track about any action, and better, these actions can bring profits:
for each amount placed in the bank(later use), you will have benefits applied for each amounts, not for the total... exactly like in real-life banks.
these are features for the future... i need to feed my kids first, so if this goes to slow, that's because i had to grab some jobs!