This looks to be a great hack. I just ran into a slight problem on the install
I have followed the instructions and when i run the ff_install.php
I get to the following
Forum Features (version 1.2)
from Wayne Luke
Altering forum table
Installing necessary templates...
it just hangs there.
Does not go any further.
I have seen that it created the following in the forum table:
metakey char(250) Yes None NULL
metadesc char(250) Yes None NULL
robotext char(50) Yes None NULL
showactive smallint(5) No None 1
censor smallint(5) No None 1
minviewposts smallint(5) No None 0
minposts smallint(5) No None 0
No other information was entered that I can see in any of the tables.
Any thoughts. I have removed the above fields.