Originally Posted by Andreas
Cookie bbpassword is a bit more complicated. This md5(md5(md5('PlaintextPassword'), salt), 'LicenseNo').
PlaintextPassword is the password, salt the value of column salt (in table user) for this user, LicenseNo is you vBulletin license number.
I've been looking for just this, and was very happy to read this. I have a forum under forum.domain.com and another site at
www.domain.com, so the domain is the same. But they are to different sites. I want to create ONE login and thought if I made the exact same cookies on the www-site as the forum made I would be all set... I tried setting the userid and password, but didn't help.
Then I found your post. Finally I found the answer and was able to set the bbuserid and bbpassword cookies exactly the same as the forum sets it. But it still doesnt work.
I log in to the main site, the bbuserid and bbpassword cookies are set correctly, but when I go on the forum I'm still not logged in.
Seems like this is because the sessionhash cookie isn't correct set... Do you have the recipe for that cookie as well and how that cookie is set up?