I don't know why everyone is always saying forums aren't the way to go to make money...they are just harder to do it that way...
I am an admin on a board that makes 5 digits (net) a month, so it is definately possible...
But...as to your question...you haven't given enough information to allow anyone to actually even make a rough guess for you (even though it would be pretty impossible to do that anyway since it depends on so many different factors)...
what is the site about?...etc...how many members and how many posts alone don't really tell us anything in terms of advertising potential...
Though like many here, I don't think having a forum for the sole purpose of making money is smart, you have to at least like the topic...but hey, if you can get the money out of it too...it's a win win...
(and the site i admin on makes it soley through subscriptions...there is 0 advertising)...so if you have something to offer that can't be found elsewhere...subscription could be a nice way to go...