IMO, you're still trying to do too much too fast. after all this time you still only have 22 members. i would focus on them currently and getting the word out about your forum. as someone into fitness you should understand that a foundation/base needs to be built first. just get your forum going and get some members and get some content like you said. you have more posts here then you do (or your whole forum for that matter) even at your own forum. what does that say? everything else will fall into place. stop worrying about what you can change or add here and there. give your members some time to acclimate to all the changes you're doing. forget about PP, galleries, and blogs... or anything else for that matter. i would also stop worrying about what everyone here on vborg would do and want, and start worrying about what your MEMBERS want and what YOU want. afterall, they make or break your site. if they want blogs, give them blogs. if they want galleries, give them galleries. they're your audience, not coders and designers here at vborg. we'll be here to help you when your forum is ready for change.