I would not recommend this to anybody. Was made by inexperienced programmer. It was his first hack, his words.
Check digital point posts or what are left of them about this hack. The creator of this hack is a digital point moderator. People, including myself, were - are having problems galore with this hack. One person posted his/her complaints on the Ico-content thread in forums.digitalpoint.com and developer asked other mods to delete those negative messages. That'll tell you all. This guy was banned for complainting about Ico-content
http://forums.digitalpoint.com/member.php?u=49039 Search for the Ico-content thread and find quoted posts from that guy in that thread. All his Ico-content comments were deleted. Basically they did a moderator gang bang on him. Buddy with power pays favors to buddy with powers "let's go get him boy" tag team. A Myspace - godaddy gang bang to delete a domain myspace didn't like sort of thing.
His "demo" forum is full of unresponded complaints too if they haven't been deleted yet. People were posting on the demo forum about doing chargebacks if he didn't fix the problems and quit ignoring their complaints. Hack maker wants all communication done by email to hide the serious problems this hack has and I mean SERIOUS! No update has been released to address the thousands and thousands of xml errors Ico-content vomits, which of course means no posts and a lot of "0" reply threads in your forum.
Support by email is useless and takes a while to receive. All possible suggestions to get hack posting were useless, even after reinstallation. Hack appears to be stuck searching for the same keywords. Everything is blamed on Yahoo acting up. Ok, hack falls asleep for 45 minutes to address this issue big boy, but then wakes up and it keeps giving xml errors and no posts for a week now. All recommended settings have been tried and nothing works. I'm not the only one having this problem.
Programmer is lazy in my opinion. If you think that you are going to sit back, relax and watch posts come, think again. This thing will make you sweat every post while it works. Just wait untill it stops.
As somebody said, it is a money grab. Will be asking for a refund soon.