Originally Posted by Krofh
There's a "Delete messages after downloading?" option in the ACP, if that's not set to "Yes" then obviously it won't clear the server. Is this happenening with all mails to you with attachments or just this specific one?
I had it to yes offcourse... but as i am thinking the problem is appearing if a big attachment comes to VBMS for a user.... for some reason VBMS cannot add the attachment to Database and then the problem appears for all VBMS users to receive multiple times the same message simply cause VBMS wasnt able to put the big mail to Database and this means that never said to Mail server that he got the mail and delete it... thats why it downloads over and over again till it crashes the board. A solution as i am thinking is when VBMS get the mail from the server then just before put it in the DB to delete it 1st from the mail server and not after... its temp solution but i suppose it will save me atm.
Can that huppened? am i the only 1 that saw this prob?