Originally Posted by dj_melayu
I didn't get it. What you meant? 
He means 72 queries is likley to kill your site and your hogging server resources from the other people sharing your server since you are probably on shared hosting. You should consider removing some hacks ASAP!
Originally Posted by cashpath
I have custom pages that this does not show up on.. how would I get it to work with the custom pages? What does designed 'for' vbulletin mean?
designed for vbulletin means it is designed for vBulletin, not IPB, phpbb, and not a portal page.
As for getting it work on custom pages, that depends, what kind of custom pages are you referring to? A php or HTML web page or a hack for vbulletin like vBAdvanced or Web Templates? If your referring to vBAdvanced or Web Templates try putting the template edit for this hack into the bottom of there hack. If your trying this on a non vb page like a php or html web page then wait for TECK to see if he can help.