Originally Posted by DiSpy
Very nice cutomizations... did you use vb advanced to make the extra pages? I would make all your forums "viewable" by guests so that you can get spidered by google, etc and entice more members to sign up. Also, ie7 gives me javascript errors at the bottom "syntax error, line 2, char 1" Other than that, nice job! :up:
No, all custom pages are coded from scratch, vbadvanced was not used. Every artist, tourdate, item, song and audio/video and all content is all administered within the adminCP and stored in the database. Images are administered through PPgallery and dynamically called based upon whatever is called. Whenever we want to create a new band or item, we just do so through the control panel and info is generated just link in a CMS. It's basically a custom built CMS for our specific business needs.
The javascript error is somethigni haven't been able to fix. It only shows up to visitors who are not logged in. If you log in the error disappears, and I also noticed that the error doesn't show up in Firefox at all (only on IE). I looked all over to figure this out but am totally stumped... Line 2 Char 1 is as follows...
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
I don't see anything wrong with that?