Error in readme.txt:
In forum/
- upload: product-ces_html_profile.xml
In forum/
- upload: bitfield_ces_html_profile.xml (I guess <<shrug>>)
And in the zip file, the 2 bitfield files are identified as belonging in the "includes/xml/" folder.
I assume the readme takes precedence, but it could be confusing to us literalists.
How about something like:
In forum root
- upload: bitfield_ces_html_profile.xml
In forum/includes/xml/
- upload: bitfield_ces_parser_perms.xml
In admincp > Plugins & Products > Manage Products > Add/Import Product
Install: product-ces_parser_perms.xml
and you're done.
Also, I would appreciate some screenshots as to what to expect.
What does the modified Manage Usergroups form look like?
What happens within the WYSIWYG editor if some basic tags are disabled?
Does the editor Preview reflect the disabled permissions?
Are the Posting Rules for the Editor changed?
p.s., I think this is the single most important add-on for our boards. Thank you so much for doing this!!