digital3 - Well, judging by the symptoms, either something went wrong during the upload or your server is misconfigured somehow.
ChiliVB - quoteit_ie_lt_7.css is used by Internet Explorer versions 6 and lower, quoteit_ie_all.css is used by all versions of Internet Explorer, and quoteit_main.css is used by all browsers. If you want to add a class to the submitter section, you'll have to edit the quote_listbit template.
rburns - The BBCode is kind of complicated to prevent too many queries on a page. You'll have to edit includes/functions_quoteit.php. In that file, find
PHP Code:
$tag_list['no_option']['quotes'] = array(
and replace that with
PHP Code:
$tag_list['no_option']['law'] = array(
In the same file, find
PHP Code:
return '[quotes]' . $quoteid . '[/quotes]';
and replace that with
PHP Code:
return '[law]' . $quoteid . '[/law]';
To change the categoryid, you currently need to do it directly in the database through phpMyAdmin or something similar. If you want it to be a decimal, you'll have to add some code to convert it like you demonstrated. That might end up being a little difficult, so I'd suggest just including the number in the title. Users aren't really supposed to be paying attention to the id anyway.
I'm not sure what you mean about the reply dropdown. Are you talking about choosing a category when replying to a post?