Well, on an active forum (20K+ posts/week)
1 - CV's 1.0.2 xml imports smoothly.
2 - CV's php and image files upload smoothly.
3 - permissions on uploaded files set to 755
4 - External Data Provider options set as: Y, Y, Y, Y, 10, 90, 90
5 - external.php displays properly
6 - external.php?forumids=20 displays properly
7 - external.php?forumids=20&count=15 displays properly
8 - forums located in root: forums.mydomain.com/index.php
9 - some forums use simple html tags (bold; font color) in description
10 - Have multiple top-level (parent-less) forums (Main; Closed; Mod; Admin)
- Main is visible to all and postable by reg'd members
- Closed is visible to all and closed to posting (this is an "archive" where we throw old forums)
- Mod is Mod/Admin only
- Admin is Admin only
11 - No "link" forums
12 - No "category" forums
13 - Fiddled with colspan on some forumhome styles, but noit sure if that is what you are referring to.
14 - Not using vBSEO
15 - Not using VBA/CMPS (or any other portal)
16 - Not using Zoints
17 - vB 3.6.4
18 - PHP 4.3.9
19 - MySQL 4.1.20
20 - Linux/Apache 2
21 - xCache 1.2.0
22 - Logged in as admin
23 - Have 90 ForumManager entries, but actual forum ID count is now up to 112.
24 - Some "forums" are closed to new threads/posting and serve as a folder for sub-fora.
cv_rss_feeds.php comes up blank in IE7 and FF2.0.0.2
IE reports just an empty html wrapper:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></HEAD>
But FF says the page is completely empty.
Also tried uninstalling and changing file name to rss.php (changed xml and php files).
After new install, same results.
And Debug=1 produces page containing only:
Any help anyone?