Works like a charm!!!!
Thanks for the great hack.
Edited and added in:
Are we all going to jail now? I read this below:
Provides most of the resources necessary to both install and upgrade vBMS.
If you modify this file, you could break a new installation or upgrade.
This code and all versions and releases of the vBulletin Mail System are
protected by United States and international copyright and intellectual
property protection laws. Distributing or otherwise manipulating this code
not explicitly allowed as approved by written consent of the original author
is a felony under United States law and illegal under international law and
can result in jailtime and criminal prosecution.
Anyone found to be violating this agreement will face criminal charges,
regardless of age or nationality.
Copyright ? 2003 - 2006 Arien Talabac.
VBMS IS NOT A FREE PRODUCT. If you downloaded it without paying, you
committed a felony. Plus you could become the victim of an interesting
I thought this was funny
