Originally Posted by cashpath
can ezbouncer could be integrated into these emails?
Yes, very easily.
Open reminderemail.php. Find:
PHP Code:
$headers .= "To: $username <$email>" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" . "\r\n";
Add after:
PHP Code:
// add EZBounce headers
$bounceurl= $vbulletin->options['ezb_admincpurl'] . "/ezbounce.php?u=" . $userid;
$bouncestring= "<a href=\"$bounceurl\" target=\"_blank\">$bounceurl</a>";
$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' . $bouncestring . $delimiter;
The last line above is word-wrapping for some reason. It should be:
PHP Code:
$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' . $bouncestring . $delimiter;
Upload remindermail.php to your ./includes/cron/ directory.