I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question, but here goes...
After installing several plug-in my links started doing something strange. When clicking directly on a thread, in the url box it would read:
then after the page loaded it would read:
Now, I don't ever remember it doing the 'goto' thing or have the final result it does now. I remember it looking like:
Also, if you follow the links directly from outside the board (copy and past into the url bar on the browser), the first and the last instance will come back with an error, but the second one will work just fine.
For reference, I had vb 3.6.4 running fine then an issue with vbplaza cause critical errors that rendered the board unusable and I had to wipe my database clean and start with a brand new installation (which took forever becuase I lost the vb.com member info. I downloaded a clean new installation). Once I had reinstalled the board (and I input the old post and user info back into the database manually, but did not change any originally installed settings) I started downloading the plug-ins I had on the old board and reinstalled them. I took no notice of what the thread links were doing until my hubby (co-owner) went to the board (under my username - I had forgotten to sign out) and said the links were broken, that all links ended up redirecting back to the forum home page. Once I got on, the links went to where they were supposed to, but the urls looked strange as I've described above.
So my question: What is my board doing? What did I do to it that is making it do this and will it hurt my board to leave it as is?