Hi Sarcoth,
really nice roster, I am trying to modifie the code to our guild need and i would like to have an icon instead of the name of the class, I am not a Vbulletin guru do you think you could help me ?
I created a Single-Selection Menu user profile field with a selection of 8 classes, what I am trying to do is do a if condition and show the right class icon acording to the selection.
here is what I tried but i cant get it to work
<td class="$bgclass" nowrap="nowrap">
<if condition="$user[field6] = warrior "><img src="images/classes/warrior_icon.gif" alt="Warrior" /><else />$user[field6]</if></td>
the icon is showing up but the problem is, it showing up even if field6 does not equal warrior...... and how can i do multiple statement ? like if it warrior show warrior_icon.gif and the same for 8 different class ?
Thank you.