Originally Posted by monForum
*2: (more urgent): When 'context' is enabled, and the postbit template is modified to include a 'submit quote' button on each post, the automatic convert-thread-to-context feature does not work properly. The hack properly inserts its text ("Posted in thread x..."), with appropriate link, into the 'context' field on the submission form, and it is likewise visible in the preview screen; but once the 'submit' button is pressed, the context field is truncated, so that when one views the pending quote in the moderation queue, the context field reads simply 'Posted in', with no further information (i.e. the link to the thread has been entirely lost). This is a series bug, as the end-result is bizarrely truncated quote submissions -- for the time being I've had to disable the 'context' feature altogether to prevent this. An urgent fix would be most appreciated.
Originally Posted by Cap'n Steve
2. That's strange. Do you have bbcode enabled for quotes?
Yes, indeed. BBCode for quotes is enabled (while HTML is turned off). It seems that there is some error in passing the code through the submission form to the actualy dB; as I say, the link appears in the 'preview' screen, if used; but once you click 'submit', the link is lost (removed) on submission, and the submitted quote appears without it in the moderation queue.
I've tested this on IE6 and IE7, as well as the newest release of Firefox, and the same issue occurs - so that would seem to rule out it being a browser problem.
For information, this is on vB 3.6.5.
With thanks in advance for further assistance.