A few further issues have arisen:
4: When dealing with pending quotes in the moderation queue, selecting 'ignore' effectively ignores the quote for moderation purposes (i.e. leaves it in the queue, whilst other messages are either approved or deleted as per admin selections); but it is not ignored as far as PM notification goes -- i.e., Private Messages are sent out to the submitters of the 'ignored' quote reading, e.g. "Your quote (#407) has been updated". If one is holding a post in the queue while trying to decide what to do with it, whilst dealing with other quotes, this is very problematic: the member(s) with posts being ignored receive a new PM every time the queue is moderated -- which can amount to a great many. It would be a very helpful fix to ensure that the hack does NOT send out PMs to members when a quote in the queue is 'ignored' for later assessment.
5: Is there a way to disable all PM notification of moderation of quotes? I added the style template modification that adds the option setting to the user control panel; but users seem automatically to be receiving PMs on moderation changes, even without visiting their control panel.