This is a truly excellent hack, and one which I am already re-coding much of my forum to integrate more fully, as it brings together external features we had previously been achieving by other means.
Three outstanding issues with the current release:
1: On using the quote importer-from-file in the AdminCP, there is no option to assign imported quotes to a specific category, if categories are enabled and defined. All imported quotes seem only to be importable into 'unfiled'. (The route I eventually ended up taking to assign 500+ imported quotes to a common category was to 'delete' them all [i.e. unapprove] them all in the user interface, which threw them back into the moderation queue; and from the moderation queue I could click 'Approve all', since in the queue their default was set to the first category.)
*2: (more urgent): When 'context' is enabled, and the postbit template is modified to include a 'submit quote' button on each post, the automatic convert-thread-to-context feature does not work properly. The hack properly inserts its text ("Posted in thread
x..."), with appropriate link, into the 'context' field on the submission form, and it is likewise visible in the preview screen; but once the 'submit' button is pressed, the context field is truncated, so that when one views the pending quote in the moderation queue, the context field reads simply 'Posted in', with no further information (i.e. the link to the thread has been entirely lost). This is a series bug, as the end-result is bizarrely truncated quote submissions -- for the time being I've had to disable the 'context' feature altogether to prevent this. An urgent fix would be most appreciated.
3: This one is minor: in the AdminCP options for the hack, 'Moderation que' should be properly spelled 'Moderation queue'.