MPDev, it doesnt work on my forum for some reason, just wondering if any of these hacks on my forum are hindering from your hack to work... can you please help. thx
Atakan Marquee Text 1.00 Atakan Marquee Text Edit Disable Export Uninstall
Bills PayPal Donate 1.3 Bills PayPal Donate Edit Disable Export Uninstall
Dynamic Forum Home Announcement Hack by Logician 1.0 Dynamic Forum Home Announcement Hack by Logician Edit Disable Export Uninstall
Extended Signature Limits 1.0.3 This Hack gives you more control (font size, # of lines, etc.) of what Users can put into their Signature Edit Disable Export Uninstall
Invites System 1.4.0 An automatic system which gives your users a limited number of invites that they can give out. When this system is enabled, regular registration without invites is restricted. Edit Disable Export Uninstall
Log Logins Hack 1.1 Log Logins Hack Edit Disable Export Uninstall
Miserable Users 2.05 A way to really annoy anyone you don't want visiting your forum. Edit Disable Export Uninstall
Multiple Login Detector 1.03 Cookie-based multiple account login detector Edit Disable Export Uninstall
Referrer in Memberinfo 1.0.0 Create By: Psionic Vision Edit Disable Export Uninstall
Shoutcast Status Full 2.0 Shoutcast Status Forumhome 2.0 Edit Disable Export Uninstall
v3 Arcade 1.0.6 A multiplayer gaming system for your vBulletin forum. Edit Disable Export Uninstall
v3 Arcade - Manually Add Game 1.0.3 Provides an additional Game Tool to manually add a game without the use of a script or import tool. Edit Disable Export Uninstall
v3 Arcade - Who's Online in the Arcade? 2.0.0 Displays who's online in your Arcade, and on a per game basis.