Originally Posted by AndrewD
OK, now I understand. When moderation is on, the thread create is (I hope!) delayed until the moderator accepts it. This was deliberate.
The solution, I think, is for you to duplicate the plugin that is tied to the ldm_addlink_inserted hook and tie it to the ldm_addlink_inserted_tomoderate hook.
Sir, you're a genious

Doing so indeed fixed it on the first sight, you're my hero.
Little addition; combined with the two lines of '$vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canpostnew']' removed from the code (handling that with LDM) it's working perfectly as I want it to, thanks once again.
Addition two; one drawback has been spotted though; the creation of the thread isn't delayed until the link/file has been approved but is generated instantly. And the last addition; when a user hits 'Add entry' in a certain category but decides to pick another one before submitting, the topic is still generated in the category first chosen, again a minor issue that I've fixed by removing the forum selector but perhaps it could be fixed in a new version later on - if you plan on having one.
The final edit, a little bug report; when you choose to moderate entries in the queue, select them and choose to delete an error occurs (or at least for me); 'Fatal error: Call to undefined function delete_ldm_entry() in /home/user/html/local_links_actions.php on line 584'.