OK, this seems to work fine on 3.6.5, thanks guys, but I have a couple of odd quirks.
Is it supposed to give any feedback when you hit Submit from the User CP area as it doesn't appear to do anything - even though it is saved?
Also some pics don't seem to save - no errors are given, just nothing comes back.
I have raised the limit in the Admin CP to 5MB but as an example I upload a 2MB image and it just doesn't appear anywhere.
Does anyone have a copy of the 4.x code lying around they could send me to try please - currently I'm using the archive as attached to this thread.
I've made a few changes so that the subfolders for this can be located within the forum root as opposed to the root of the webspace, just so that everything is contained, but that is all I've done in terms of changing the code - I've only got a few days experience with PHP and vB so bringing myself up to speed quickly!