Originally Posted by Yorixz
Yes, I've got it set for the main category that holds the subboards, which on their turn should contain the autogenerated topics.
I'm trying to get the setting 'Parent Forum - Defines viewing permissions', set on the category edit page, to work as standard forum to generate automated topics for files upload to that category, rather than asking the user what forum to post it in (which is the default, and only visible to admins while I want it to work without question and for regular users as well).
Hopefully I've explained it clear enough, thanks for your time and fantastic work so far.
If you have a default_forumid set, then all new entries will, by default, be associated with that forumid. If things are working properly (!!), the autocreate will also post its thread into that forum.
The difference between admins and others (actually between users with and without *can_set_permissions* permission) is that the first group gets presented with a full forum list with the default_forumid selected whereas the rest are forced to accept it (it becomes a hidden field in the template instead of a select list). So your normal users' posts will automatically be associated with the forum you want. Admins will have to be careful not to change the forumid - and if you want, you can edit the links_addnewlink template to change that. Look for the sequence:
<if condition="$links_permissions['can_set_permissions']">
<td class="alt1">
<strong>$vbphrase[ll_forumparent]</strong><br />
<span class="smallfont">
$curforumtitle<br />
<td class="alt1">
<td valign="top">
<select class="select" name="pforum" size="6" style="width:400px; height:100px;" id="linkforum">
<optgroup label="$vbphrase[ll_forumparent]">
<option value="$DEFAULT_FORUMID" <if condition="$curforumid==$DEFAULT_FORUMID">selected="selected"</if>>$vbphrase[ll_none]</option>
<td valign="top" width="20">
<td><a href="#" onclick="return ldm_size_style('100px', '400px', 'linkforum')"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/resize_0.gif" border="0" alt="$vbphrase[decrease_size]" /></a></td>
<td><a href="#" onclick="return ldm_size_style('400px', '400px', 'linkforum')"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/resize_1.gif" border="0" alt="$vbphrase[increase_size]" /></a></td>
<else />
<tr style="display:none;">
<td class="alt1" colspan="2">
<input type="hidden" name="pforum" value="$curforumid" />
The problem you described is to get the threads created in a forum where these users doin't have permission?