Dreaded 404 Errors
I know that 404 errors are not uncommon with VBulletin if the Apache server has the mod_security add-on installed. I have tryied the .htaccess fix and also got my host to manually disable it in the Apache settings. Still getting 404's.
Vbulletin support has washed their hands of my problem unless I uninstall of my add-ons. I was hoping that someone here may be able to pinpoint an add-on that may be throwing random 404's for 50% of my users. Here's what I've currently got installed:
1. Custom WOL Locations
2. Cyb - Forumhome Sub-Forums Manager
3. FlashChat Integration
4. NoSpam!
5. PayPal Donations
6. PMs Sender
7. Signature Image Size Limiter
8. Similies in Quickreply
9. V3 Arcade
10. VBadvanced 2.2.1
11. VBgooglemap member edition
12. Welcome Headers
Before I uninstall of these bad boys (and destroy the creature comforts of my site), does anyone have any possible clues as to which (if any) of these add-ons may be causing intermittent 404's??? THANKS!!!