Originally Posted by Alfa1
LDM gives me this message:
As you know my LDM is big. If I dont have to I'd prefer not to erase hits. Members like to see their file is being used. But performance is important. What should I do with this?
Pruning the downloads table doesn't lose the "total hits" information - just the detailed records of who is accessing what, which is normally something that only the admin looks at. As Yorixz suggests, I'd say, set the admin setting prune_downloadtable to 30 days or so.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
On another note: Is there a way to bulk generate thumbs for video's?
Not currently. Does anyone know of a *small* php library that will autocreate a jpeg from a video file in various formats?
Originally Posted by Alfa1
And another thing I wonder about: Are you planning to enhance the photo / image functions to a level where it could replace photopost pro? With all these new improvements LDM sure seems to have that potential.
Which would you say are the main features that are missing? I'm not one for masochism, but I'd quite like to have a good photo album system myself.