LDM gives me this message:
- There are currently 36917 records in the LDM Download 'Hits' table. You are likely to see reduced performance when using the LDM show_hit_parade setting to show overall statistics, and when analysing hits with LDM/Admin/Hits. Consider setting prune_downloads or use LDM/Admin/Hits to manually delete some of these records.
As you know my LDM is big. If I dont have to I'd prefer not to erase hits. Members like to see their file is being used. But performance is important. What should I do with this?
On another note: Is there a way to bulk generate thumbs for video's?
And another thing I wonder about
: Are you planning to enhance the photo / image functions to a level where it could replace photopost pro? With all these new improvements LDM sure seems to have that potential.